Skin Tightening Burlingame

Forma Skin Tightening

Collagen is a protein found abundantly in our bodies. It’s also a vital protein that our bodies need to function. Collagen is basically the glue that holds our bodies together since it is a major component found in connective tissue and preserves the structure and strength of our skin, muscle tissue, bones, and tendons. At Skinlastiq Medical Laser Cosmetic Spa in Burlingame, you can experience modern technology designed to combat wrinkles and rejuvenate your skin by stimulating new collagen with the help of FORMA. FORMA provides revolutionary skin tightening treatments by using radiofrequency energy and heat. This technology contracts the skin to attain tighter and smoother consistent results, with patients usually seeing an improvement in skin elasticity almost immediately.

Forma Benefits

  • Accelerated collagen production
  • Continuous improvement in skin appearance
  • Non-Invasive
  • No downtime
  • Minimal discomfort
How Skin Tightening Works

Forma uses radio-frequency technology to provide optimal skin contraction in the deep layers of your skin. Radio-frequency energy will stimulate the formation of new collagen and improve skin elasticity.

FORMA is not painful. Patients feel some warmth on their skin and a “tightness” throughout the treatment process. Patients with minimal issues can expect dramatic, ongoing results after just one treatment. During your consultation with one of our specialists, you can discuss how many additional treatments you will need over 6-8 weeks. Reverse the effects of sun damage, aging, and stress – even sagging skin after a large amount of weight loss – with the help of FORMA!


Before & After Forma

  • Forma Skin Tightening results for turkey neck at Skinlastiq Medical Laser Cosmetic Spa in Burlingame
  • Forma Skin Tightening results for jowls at Skinlastiq Medical Laser Cosmetic Spa in Burlingame
  • Forma Skin Tightening results for wrinkles at Skinlastiq Medical Laser Cosmetic Spa in Burlingame
  • Forma Skin Tightening results for double chin at Skinlastiq Medical Laser Cosmetic Spa in Burlingame
  • Forma Skin Tightening results for saggy skin at Skinlastiq Medical Laser Cosmetic Spa in Burlingame
  • Forma Skin Tightening results for wrinkles at Skinlastiq Medical Laser Cosmetic Spa in Burlingame>

Forma Faqs

What areas can be treated?
Forma can be used on both the face and neck. Commonly treated areas on the face include: forehead, crows feet, upper eyelids, lower eyelids, nasolabial folds, jowls, smile lines and neck.
How many sessions will I need?
It is recommended that weekly sessions are performed over a six-week period. Individuals with mild laxity may be treated in fewer sessions with more weeks between each treatment. Scheduling should be based on a medical pre-evaluation.
Can it be combined with other treatments?
Yes, Forma can be used in combination with most other laser treatments, facials, injectables and/or filler. Please speak to your aesthetic provider when considering combining Forma with other treatments.
Is Forma right for me?
Forma is suitable for all skin types and is appropriate for individuals seeking a non-invasive and a natural looking approach to improvements in skin tone and texture irregularities. Patients have reported that their skin feels smoother and more defined, with a reduction in wrinkles.
Will it hurt?
Forma is an essentially painless procedure with no downtime due to its precise technology and deep-layer targeting of the skin. Slight redness in the treatment area is common post-procedure, which subsides within a few hours.